
Book: Make: Jumpstarting the Arduino 101 | 2017


Pix2Pix: Edges to Pikachu | 2018

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Fast Style Transfer | 2018


ml5js: friendly machine learning for the web | 2018

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p5Playground.: an WYSIWYG Interactive programming Tool for p5.js | 2016


P5 Web Editor: a web-based IDE for p5.js | 2016

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p5.ble.js: A Javascript library that enables communication between BLE devices and p5. | 2019


Puppy Lamp: a system that combines a digital interaction and a physical object | 2015


TanPro-Kit: a tangible system to help children learn programming | 2014

IMG_6320.jpg data visualizations of 10,000 Facebook messages | 2015

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The Jurassic Park Remote: a physical book as a movie player controller | 2014

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ITP Thesis Archive 2017: a home for all thesis projects at ITP/NYU

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ITP Project Finder: a web search engine that includes all the ITP projects since 2004. | 2017


Mapping IFA Alumni: a data visualization project | 2016

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Bubble Chart: An Interactive Data Visualization of IFA Dissertations from 1933 - present. | 2016

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100 Days of Emojis | 2018

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TimeSmart: a Chrome Extension that Visualize time you spend on various websites | 2015