Live Web

[Live web]Final Proposal

For live web final project, Tanya and I want to create an interactive story that people can participate in by using different controllers. So first, we will make a public web interface that lives on a big screen. Then we will ask people to use different controllers to move the story forward. We were inspired by human antenna circuit below. For now, when two people hold hands together to complete the circuit, the led will light up. We want to invite people to hold hands together and something interesting will happen on the web interface too. 

[video width="1280" height="720" m4v=""][/video]

We explored other types of controller too.

  1. Hand LED Controller
  2. FSR
  3. Phone (shake/wavy motions)

We tried FSR control a rectangle in the webpage(the example from last class), that is fun too. We are also very interested in the idea of using phone as a controller. Because in this way, people who are at different geolocations can participate in the story too.

Here's system diagram 1.0:

          Web Interface(index.html) ← Server(server.js) →Client(client.js)

           → 1. Serial Communication → Sensor on Arduino(arduino sketch)

           → 2. Mobile Browser Interface (index.html)

Next step will be:

  1. Think of the stories we want to use
    1. fairytale?
    2. more feedback on that is
    3. ask people what do they think about holding hands together
  2. Making a web interface (screen)
  3. Get the controllers to work with the web interface